Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Dreaming the Possible Dream

I’m sweet on L L Cool J. Surprisingly, it wasn’t his music but his Twitter bio that Catherine-wheeled a place into my heart. It says simply: EVERYONE DESERVES A SHOT AT GREATNESS. You can see it’s printed in caps and italics; you can feel it’s written in soul-deep passion. This is a man who sent every one of his million plus followers this tweet today: Love. This is a man who is not only living the dream but sharing the joy.

We all know about the dream. Whether you are living your dream or nurturing a secret dream, the dream is as intimate a part of us as our sweetest memory. We’ve heard every saying, quote, cliché and platitude about the dream: dream in colour, dream big, pursue your dream, believe and you will realise your dream. For each life, there is a dream and there is a journey. Singular. Solitary.

But the truth is that the journey, the striving to realise the dream, is never solitary. The six degrees of separation is a complex web of both overt and subtle connections, of cause and domino effect. As intimately individual and personalized as the dream is for each of us, the journey to realise it is peopled by friends, relatives and sometimes multitudes of people we’ve never met and will never meet. Thus, from time to time we are all a part of someone else’s dream, most times unknowingly, sometimes by choice.

When we choose to play a part in bringing another’s dream into being, we also nudge our own dream a step closer. If seeing is believing then taking action is tangible evidence that we have the power to create reality from dreams. It’s an awesome power, with the potency to move mountains, and there’s an exquisite pleasure in being a ripple that rolls on into a tidal wave of success.

Andrew Wishart is on a journey to realise his dream and he’s gathering hearts and tributes along the way in a reality he never expected. In a few short months he’s gone from the local comfort zone of family, friends and work colleagues to centre stage and national recognition. It’s been a heady ride and this is only the beginning.

He’s gathered followers along the way not only because he’s undeniably talented but because he’s one of us. His endearing personality has a charismatic quality borne out of natural honesty, emotional sincerity and dedication to his family and his music. He sings with such power and passion that even those not partial to his genre of music acknowledge that he has a remarkable voice. This is a man who deserves his shot at greatness.

He was the runner-up in The X Factor Australia 2011 in the closest ever finish between the top two. He doesn’t begrudge Reece Mastin his win; they’re mates and you always wish the best for your mates. But neither will he stop at being second.

As did each of the final four contestants, Andrew recorded a song for Sony, a song that was written for him. Sony, however, has only released the winner’s song but that doesn’t mean Andrew’s recording will gather dust forever more. A petition was set up; a petition of which Sony Music Australia is aware and watchful. If it accrues enough names, then they will be justified in releasing Andrew’s single.

It takes but a moment of time and a smidgen of effort to be a part of the force that is realising Andrew’s dream. Sign the petition and share it on your favourite social network or pass it on by word of mouth. Wherever you are, whoever you are, be a part of it so you can point out Andrew and say “I played a part in his success”. It’s an awesome power and a very special joy.

Click on: Andrew's Petition to sign it.

Follow Andrew on Twitter: @andrew_wishart

Folow L L Cool J on Twitter @llcoolj

But most of all, follow your dreams.


  1. please give andrew a break ,age should not be a barrier i know this is his dream, so please continue your support for him ,because andrew is our son

  2. and by the way, thank you Mopshell for your beautiful words. As andrew,s parents we are very proud that you and others appreciate our sons life choices and family values ,we only hope that he can continue with his (and his family,s) dream i am sure with the enormous support shown on his face book, petition sites he may be able to do so. With heart felt thanks Joy and Noel

  3. dear Joy and Noel, you must be so proud of Andrew, and quite rightly so, what a beautiful person he is, I think so many people were touched watching him on xfactor, seeing his family beaming, and yes, we as fans certainly appreciate not only his amazing voice, but his family values and beliefs, he is a true Christian and it shows by his example - what a fine example he is to other young men especially.
    Andrew, I sincerely hope you continue to do very well, and you certainly deserve that Sony release!

  4. Lovely sentiments Mopshell, to put this year's Aussie X Factor series to bed with. And alright alright, I finally signed it. :)

  5. From Tay, whose commitment to helping Andrew has been inspiring:
    I read this and cried. I can really relate to it. I accomplished my dream on a much smaller scale, but I still accomplished my dream. I could not of wrote or expressed this any better and it is really touching. I like most 16 year olds loved Reece, I love his sound, but then Andrew opened his mouth and sung Adele, I was absolutely hooked. Im 16. What I realised when Andrew came runner up was that he's single was not going to be released easily and that I was going to try my darn hardest to give him all of the support that I could possibly express to him, he replied you and I realised that someone was thinking like me and wanted it released. I was over the moon. I'm soooo happy that he is being backed with amazing people. I like to stand alone and for me to achieve my dream I realised I had to reach out for support, the small network that I barely realise I have. Without them I wouldn't be where I am, Andrew needs our support! As long as he stays real and true, I am his fan. It may take months to reach 10,000 but im not giving up. I'm not one for tattoos really but the one I am going to get is a quote from Ry Good that I live by "do the footwork" and it's my life motto, you look at everyone in life and in the industry and think about what goes on behind the scenes. The footwork, you have to do it. We are helping Andrew do his footwork for a release, I'm so happy to be a part of this! Thank you :)))

  6. Everyone has said some really inspiring things, all I can say is , Andrew touched my heart and soul with his amazing voice and his humiity

  7. Lyn428 my sentiments exactly, Andrew has touched many hearts and will continue to do so - he has a beautiful personality and humility to match his powerful amazing voice

  8. So sorry to hear today on Andrew's facebook page that he was declined by Sony, but perhaps one person's comment that it will happen early in the year when Reece's release is quieter, is true - perhaps sony are waiting till early 2012 when the focus is off Reece a bit - or there must be other record companies who would sign this amazing talented man up? The petition is still growing...
